For Further information on the outreach division, email us at, or call the church at (440) 232-2645.
Gentlemen in Suits
This ministry has provided suits for men entering the workforce, and also for men who are in need of suits due to financial obstacles.
Angels of Zion (Christmas Donations)
Each year the Mt. Zion family donates food, toys, and clothing for those in need during the holiday season. We partner with area outreach ministries to distribute the items locally.
City Mission Partnership – Feed – a – Family
Each third Sunday Mt. Zion sends ministry teams to the City Mission to feed the homeless and hungry.
Thanksgiving Baskets
This special ministry is designed to prepare and distribute food baskets to needy families during the thanksgiving.
College “Yes You Can” Outreach
This ministry is designed to reach out to Mt. Zion college students who are in need of encouragement, book scholarships, and decision recommendations.
Eyeglasses to Africa
Periodically the Mt. Zion Church will sponsor outreach donations to African, most notably eyeglasses for those who are unable to purchase their own prescription eyeglasses.
Clothes to Haiti
Our Global outreach ministry has adopted the nation of Haiti to be the recipient of our clothing outreach. We have sent dozens of barrels to Haiti for school children in need.
The Evangelism Ministry
The Evangelism Ministry’s purpose is to reach out to the unsaved by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition, the evangelism ministry provides instruction in the various strategies of lifestyle. The goal of the ministry is to recruit, train, and use Christians to lead others to Christ, utilizing a variety of methods including distribution of Christian literature in the community.
The Global Ministry Team
The Global Ministry Team seeks to glorify God by making Him known throughout the world. Our goal is kingdom work through the principle of missions work using missionaries in the congregation. Our area for the past few years has been Africa and Haiti, however we will open up our outreach to other foreign countries.
Health Organization Ministry
This ministry develops and provides education programs about health related issues and coordinates and provides information about accessibility of health care services offered in the community. We partner with various hospitals and provide screenings and information sessions on technology and health warnings throughout the year.
Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry (Freedom from the Inside Out) is an outreach ministry that ministers to those that are incarcerated through special prison services, correspondence to inmates, and evangelism to inmates.
Open Door With Dr. Macon
Open Door is a half hour discussion between Host Dr. Larry Macon and guests who take the time to make a difference.
Open Door airs on Cable 9: