Our Goals
Short-range Goal: Walking in the Spirit
The point of Pentecost in Acts 2 was not the gift of tongues or charismatic gifts. The Day of Pentecost was a signal to the world that a new age of grace had come! Thus, the Spirit could begin His work in purging the church so as to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 24:14, Acts 2:1-11). Hence, as the church obeys the Word of Christ and is empowered by the Holy Spirit, it can witness and live to the glory of God.
Intermediate-range Goal: Declaring His Glory and Making Disciples among the World
The message of the Old and New Testaments is that God wants His people to declare His glory among the nations (I Chronicles 16:24, Matthew 28:19-20). Currently, during this age, the church of Jesus Christ is commissioned to make disciples so that the church may glorify Him.
Ultimate Goal:Being Conformed to the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ
The ultimate goal of the church is to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). Although, the church will never perfectly reach this goal until the redeemed of all ages dwell with Him forever, it is nonetheless the goal of every member to ever pursue this image. Such pursuit is in anticipation of Christ